March 12-16, 2012
Web Design: Chose a topic and create a name for your website.
-Navigational Map 50 pts
Do a web-search for principles of good design. Write down 10 tips
1. Navigation Map 50 pts
2. 10 web tips 50 pts
3. Logo 50 pts
4. Gather Content: Images, text, etc...
5. Organization 50pts: Folder set up
Construction Folder: Place to store templets, images that haven't been resized, text documents etc...
images folder: files that have been resized and are ready to be on the website. Use only .jpg, .gif, .png, .swf
AVOID: capitals, spaces, !@#$%^&*()+=/?><|\
Bad Example: about us.html, john doe.psd
Examples: about_us.html, aboutus.html, john_doe.jpg
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